Cindy Krum

Cindy Krum

Founder & CEO - MobileMoxie

She is considered a thought-leader in the mobile SEO and ASO marketing , and has been bringing fresh and creative ideas to digital marketing stages around the world, regularly speaking at national and international trade events, as well as clients and loyal blog readers. Cindy’s leadership helped MobileMoxie launch the first mobile-focused SEO tool set and APIs to help other SEO tools provide insights about the impact of Mobile-First Indexing on search results for apps, websites and PWAs. Cindy is an active member of the digital marketing & growth communities and has been quoted by many respected publications including PC World, Internet Retailer, TechWorld, Direct Magazine and Search Marketing Standard. Cindy is also the author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are, published by Que Publishing and now also available in German, Italian, Korean and Chinese.

How Location & Language Impact SEO

Salle New York - cycle en anglais

This talk will outline the nuances of international SEO that are often missed or glossed over. When you have clients or business locations in different countries, states or cities, it is hard to really know what they are seeing in search results. SEO Tools give averages, that may or may not be representative of reality, […]