Salle New York


Discours d’ouverture

What’s new at Google about crawling, indexing, SEO & Javascript Frameworks – MARTIN SPLITT (GOOGLE)

Google Algorithms vs Google Penalties Explained – KASPAR SZYMANSKI (SEARCH BROTHERS)


Search Engines are evolving, so are optimization methods – BASTIAN GRIMM (PEAK ACE)

Predicting User Intent in Site-Search Using Machine Learning – JP SHERMAN (REDHAT)

How to boost your SEO using Keyword GAP Analysis – LUKASZ ZELEZNY (SEO.LONDON)

Pause déjeuner


Multichannel Strategy & Data – DAN SAUNDERS (INGENUITY DIGITAL)

How to diagnose a traffic drop and indenfify the remedy – HELEN POLLITT (AVENUE DIGITAL)

Experience Feedback : VANMOOF – Reaching 1 million customers in 5 years – SIMON VREEMAN (VANMOOF)

Voice Search in 2020 : Is it Helping Those Who Need in Most ? – JO TURNBULL (AUTHORITAS)


The Art of Driving Clicks with Enriched Snippets

The Future of Digital Marketing or : what happens when everything has been fixed on your websites ? – JONO ALDERSON (YOAST)

Semantic SEO – DIXON Jones (
How the rise in Google's Knowledge Graph and Entity Recognition is influencing all aspects of search and why SEOs need to get on

How to Build Better Links & Get A Competitive Advantage With Data-Driven Content – JAMES BROCKBANK (DIGITALOFT)

How Location and Language Impact SEO – CINDY KRUM (MOBILE MOXIE)

Discours de clôture – PHILIPPE YONNET (SEARCH Y)

Fin du programme